Categories: 2021

​Armenia says six troops​ ​injured in Azerbaijan attack

UAE – Oct 15 2021

Armenia says six troops injured in Azerbaijan attack

/ 1:24 PM
Russian peacekeepers stand at their checkpoint during the military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh

Sharjah 24 – AFP: Armenia said on Friday that six of its soldiers had been injured by Azerbaijani forces in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, which was at the centre of a war last year.

"Six servicemen were wounded in an attack by Azerbaijani armed forces" in Karabakh's Nor Shen community, Armenia's rights ombudsman, Arman Tatoyan, said on Facebook, adding that two soldiers were in a critical condition.

The war for Nagorno-Karabakh last autumn claimed about 6,500 lives and saw Armenia cede territories it had controlled for decades, while Russia deployed peacekeepers in the area.

The region was also at the centre of a 1990s war that cost 30,000 lives during the death throes of the Soviet Union, when ethnic Armenian separatists broke away from Azerbaijan.

Since the latest conflict, both Azerbaijan and Armenia have reported occasional exchanges of fire along their shared border, sparking fears of another flare up in their territorial dispute.

Azerbaijan's defence ministry denied any role in the incident saying "there was a shootout between illegal Armenian armed units".

On Thursday evening, Azerbaijan said one of its soldiers was killed in sniper fire by "illegal" Armenian forces.

News of that incident came as Armenia and Azerbaijan's foreign ministers were holding talks with Russia in Belarus on Thursday, aimed at mending ties.

Tatoyan Vazgen: