Categories: 2021

Armenian researcher: We need Ocalan’s model

Kurdish Media – Oct 14 2021
 Researcher Nubar Malkonian said, "There is a need to evaluate Abdullah Ocalan's model, which opens the way to liberation from capitalist systems," and called for more efforts in order to achieve the physical freedom of the leader Abdullah Ocalan.

 Leader Abdullah Ocalan refers to the Armenian people, and says in that, "Finding a small Armenia, west of Azerbaijan, will not be a solution to the national problem." He also explains that  social democratic confederal system comprising many nationalities will be a suitable solution for many other peoples.

 The Armenian people are one of the ancient peoples of the region that witnessed genocides.  The issue of the Armenian massacres and their exile, which was recognized by some countries. Leader Abdullah Ocalan explained this issue in his written pleadings inside Imrali prison under isolation.

 The leader Abdullah Ocalan points out that the Armenian national cause is the tragedy of capitalist modernity in the Middle East, and says, "The Armenians are an ancient people of the region. They mostly share the Kurds areas.  

 They also represent a technically advanced culture, and although the Kurds had a similar resistance;  However, with the exception of temporary and local examples, no permanent state institutions have been established.  Armenians are one of the first Christian peoples.  Identity and belief in liberation play an important role in this.  Like the Jews who were influenced by their artistic identity around the palaces.

 'The cause of Armenian nationalism is Britain'

 Leader  Ocalan explains that the reason for the current situation of the Armenians nationalism, and points out that Britain is responsible for this, and says, "In order for the Armenians to overcome their problems today, they must abandon their national and religious fanaticism and Christian racism, because this matter harmed them."

 The leader Abdullah Ocalan points out that the largest scattered community in the world after the Jews are the Armenians, and says that the Armenian issue is not resolved by the establishment of a small Armenia, and the assessment of the leader Ocalan on the subject is as follows: “The Armenians contributed greatly to the culture (civilization) of the Middle East. For five thousand years, they became victims of a great catastrophe due to the conspiracies of modernity of the 19th and 20th centuries.

 The establishment of a small Armenia in Western Azerbaijan does not mean that it solves the Armenians nationalism.  She could not avoid their tragedy.  They will always search for their lost country;  That is why the meaning of the Armenian cause today is to find their lost country.  But there are other peoples who live in the places where they are trying to find their own country.  Stealing a people's country is an unforgivable crime.

 Once again, the danger of the nation-state is represented by the Armenian issue.  The attempt to establish homogeneous nationalities is the real reason for this fear.  The reason for this is capitalist modernity.  The perception that comes from Christianity, modernity, and the shape of the world only leads to the elimination of the Armenians.

 No matter how cruel and fascist their enemies are;  In addition to knowing the causes of the extermination committed against them, the search for new ways is a life task for them.

 Leader Abdullah Ocalan's proposal to solve the Armenian cause

 Leader Abdullah Ocalan refers to the solution to the issue of the Armenian people and explains it as follows: “On the basis of national pluralism, democracy and confederation, Armenians and their ilk can reach the optimal solution. If they focus on the elements of democratic modernity and renew themselves as an Armenian democratic nation, they will restore their historical role in the culture (civilization) of the Middle East.  , and find the right path to liberation.Democratic solutions that are not based on the foundations and applications of the nation-state must be put on the agenda.

 To solve the Armenian issue, the borders must not only be opened;  There must also be a social democratic citizen:

 Nubar Malkonian, who conducts historical research on the massacres of Armenians, spoke to our agency about the international conspiracy and the evaluations of leader Abdullah Ocalan regarding the Armenian people.

 Malkonian explained the impact of the international conspiracy on peoples, and said in it, "The arrest of the guerrilla leader Abdullah Ocalan created a great void that cannot be  filled both for the Kurdish people and for the people of the Middle East."

 'The Ocalan model is needed'

 Malkonian explained that the leader Abdullah Ocalan's model is more democratic and just than the existing capitalist system, and that it constitutes a model for free life, and said, "Applying this model will undoubtedly be better. People will become freer, more intellectual, and an application of coexistence. There is a definite need  to evaluate this model that opens the way for deliverance from the capitalist system that stifles peoples."

 'The Armenians lack revolutionary leadership'

 Malkonian referred to the assessment of the leader explaining the causes of the Armenian issue is nationalism, and continued, "Of course there are daily and historical problems, such as the problem of not creating a revolutionary leadership for the Armenians, as well as the need to create a struggle approach and a properly studied and evaluated organization of the history of the genocide and the organization of the Armenians in  Armenia, Syria and the Diaspora.

 Malkonian indicated that he considers the leader Abdullah Ocalan a great revolutionary for the Middle East, and made clear that his views do not only concern the Kurdish people, and said, "The views of the democratic confederation as a project of coexistence are very valuable."  by people's war and revolutionary leadership;  It carries a great and valuable meaning.  People who want to lead the democratic popular revolution and lead the strategy of popular war in the Middle East must certainly follow their example and implement it."

 He said, “Without a doubt, the thought and struggle for the return of the historical lands will be an important response in order to solve the problems of today. The lands that were stolen are not western Armenia. What has been lost is a civilization that spans five thousand years. They are historical values  and culture, what has been lost is the historical land and the beautiful Armenian language. It is the Islamization and assimilation of the Armenian people who were forced to assimilate into the culture of Arabs or Kurds. If those who were displaced deepen their search for these heavy losses, they will come closer to the truth."

 'They want to eliminate the thought and will of freedom'

 Malkonian commented on the goals of the conspiring countries that continue to impose isolation and said, "They want to terrorize the free decision of the Kurdish people through injustice, pressure, coercion, genocide and exile. One of the goals of isolation is the insistence of the Turkish state on the continuation of chauvinistic racist policies against freedom and peoples, and to break the will and thought of freedom.  In order to break hope and destroy the will of the people, especially the Kurdish people."

 Malkonian called for the people to stand against these plans and continued, "Comrade Gonzalo of the Peruvian Guerilla was killed in September, under conditions of strict isolation. We must liberate the leader Abdullah Ocalan in October that is the month of revolution and freedom.  The Soviet (Russian) people were liberated by the October Revolution. We must do more than ever different things to eliminate isolation in order to build the future."

 'We must free him from isolation'

 Nubar Malkonian explained that October carries a special meaning for the Armenian revolutionaries as well, and said at the end of his speech, "We must liberate the leader of the PKK from these aggravating conditions of isolation. No leader in the guerrilla deserves arrest, the enemies of peoples and freedom are the ones who deserve  places like this."




Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS