Categories: 2021

3 horses of Armenia Syunik Province villager cross over to Azerbaijani side, only 2 return

News.am, Armenia
Oct 28 2021

Three horses of one of the residents of Khnatsakh village of Tegh community of Syunik Province of Armenia have crossed over to the Azerbaijani side; two have returned, but one is still on the adversary’s side. This is what representative of the administration of Khnatsakh Anushavan Hovakimyan told Armenian News-NEWS.am.

“They took three horses this morning, two of which escaped and came back. They probably tied one horse, the other two escaped and approached our military post. Our border guard called me on the phone and told me to tell the shepherd to go and take the horses,” Hovakimyan informed.

Hovakimyan said he and the residents have informed the Armenian and Russian border guards, who are working on returning the other horse.

“The cattle go and find themselves on the Azerbaijani side when they are released. There are distant pastures, but we can’t take the cattle there due to the snow. This is why we came down to the village. Before the war, the cattle of our village were released in the pastures that are now near the Azerbaijani side. When they are released, the cattle go to that side,” Hovakimyan stated.

There have been similar cases in the previous months, and the Armenian side had succeeded in bringing back the cattle.

Yeghisabet Vorskanian: