Categories: 2021

Opposition MP: Nikol Pashinyan ‘crossing the line’

Panorama, Armenia
Oct 28 2021

The With Honor opposition faction in the Armenian parliament has nothing to discuss with Nikol Pashinyan other than the issue of his resignation, MP Tigran Abrahamyan from the same faction told reporters on Thursday.

His comments came after Pashinyan invited the two opposition parliamentary factions to hold a discussion on Wednesday.

Abrahamyan noted the authorities had missed the opportunity to discuss various issues with the opposition. He recalled that the National Security Service (NSS) director, defense minister and prosecutor general ignored the opposition call to appear before the parliament and provide clarifications on the border issues.

In addition, the MP said instead of the foreign minister, NSS chief and defense minister, the commander of the NSS border troops and the deputy chief of the army’s General Staff were involved in the urgent parliamentary debates on the border situation and demarcation issues.

“The latter were not authorized to answer 90% of the questions on the agenda,” Abrahamyan said, adding the officials provided no significant information with regard to the other issues raised.

"As for a meeting with Nikol Pashinyan, the secretary of our faction has already announced that its can only focus on his resignation,” the MP said.

In Abrahamyan’s words, Pashinyan, in fact, fails to answer the questions addressed to him during a Q&A session in the parliament, is “crossing the line” and addressing a completely different issue to avoid answering a question.

“Therefore, I don’t consider it expedient to meet with Nikol Pashinyan to discuss any issue,” Abrahamyan said.

Emma Jilavian: