Categories: 2021

Deputy NSS chief: Goris-Kapan road is ‘very safe’

Panorama, Armenia
Nov 1 2021

There are no positional changes on Mount Pela (Pailasar) in Syunik Province, Deputy Director of Armenia’s National Security Service (NSS) Aram Hakobyan told a briefing in the parliament on Monday.

“The commander of the border troops visited the area yesterday and answered all questions. There are no changes there," the official said.

He also assured that the Goris-Kapan highway is “very safe”. "Yes, it is safe. I was there the day before; it is very safe. True, representatives of the neighboring state are stationed there, but Armenian citizens in general [are not stopped],” Hakobyan said.

Responding to a question about whether the Russian troops, that have allegedly left the height, provided any explanation, as well as the alerts that Armenian citizens’ cars are stopped, checked and hit by Azeris, the deputy NSS chief said: “I have no such information.”

Hakobyan snubbed other questions of reporters.

Ani Kharatian: