Categories: 2021

The EU and Armenia, partners in reform?

Nov 1 2021

Recent promises of multi-billion-euro investments in Armenia by the European Union signal a deepening relationship between Yerevan and Brussels and renewed EU confidence in the legacy of the 2018 Armenian revolution.  

This summer, the European Union announced that it was allocating a €2.6 billion aid package for Armenia over the next five to seven years it is the single largest aid package given to Armenia by the European Union. 

The announcement, delivered on 9 July by EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi during a visit to Yerevan on 9 July also includes a promise that the package may grow to €3.1 billion. 

According to diplomats, the new funds appear to be an endorsement by Brussels of the landslide victory by incumbent Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in the snap parliamentary elections this past June and are a reward for Armenia’s ‘reform agenda’ following the 2018 revolution. 

The funding also comes hot on the heels of the Armenia-European Union Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA), which came into force on 1 March. The agreement contains clauses on deepening cooperation between Armenia and the EU on institutional reform, economic investment, and the lifting of tariffs on the export and import of goods between Armenia and the 27 member bloc. 

One of the reasons for the EU increasing the amount of the aid package was seen to be the Pashinyan government’s victory over Armenia’s pre-revolutionary authorities in the snap elections.

The €2.6 billion package was decided on ‘based on past achievements’, Andrea Wiktorin, the Ambassador of the European Union to Armenia told OC Media. ‘At the same time it will, in the end, depend on the maturity of projects and how quickly we can implement the flagships’. The EU identifies ‘flagships’ or ‘ as ‘concrete priority projects with tangible results that have been identified jointly with the partner countries’. 

In the case of Armenia, flagships include direct economic support for up to 30,000 small and medium enterprises; up to €600 million investment for a north-south transport corridor; up to €300 million in loans and grants for Armenia’s tech sector; up to €80 million in economic and infrastructure investment in the southern Syunik province to develop ‘resilience’; and up to €120 million in investments for a more ‘energy efficient’ Yerevan, including the modernisation of public transport in the capital.  

Wiktorin said that the EU ‘took good note’ of the OSCE observer assessment of the snap parliamentary elections in June that ‘stated that the elections were competitive and generally well-managed within a short timeframe’. She added that the EU also supports Armenia’s ‘strong commitment to further pursue its reform agenda’. 

Lithuanian Ambassador to Armenia, Inga Stanytė-Toločkienė also praised the snap elections as ‘proof of Armenian people’s trust in democracy as well as ‘proof of a resilience of democracy in Armenia’. 

She says that, in addition to the assistance package and the implementation of the CEPA agreement, ‘another direction Lithuania would enthusiastically support is related to further progress towards visa liberalisation’. 

‘The time has come to launch the visa dialogue with Armenia’, she said, with the added caveat that ‘there is a need to ensure consensus among all the Member States’. 

Lithuanian Member of European Parliament Rasa Juknevičienė told OC Media that for EU-Armenia cooperation to truly flourish, Armenia must first ‘overcome the war legacy, however painful’ and ‘focus fully on social and economic development’. 

Marina von Cramon, a German Member of the European Parliament, told OC Media that the EU ‘can be more involved’ in the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict.  

One avenue for further EU involvement, according to von Cramon, would be if the 27-member bloc replaced France as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk group. The current co-chairs of the group, which has been tasked with helping resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, are France, Russia, and the United States. 

At the same time, von Cramon said she sees ‘a reluctance of some of the EU leaders to act and to see themselves as a political player’.

‘War is never a good solution. I recognise efforts by Russia in negotiating a ceasefire but that is not a long-term solution’, Estonian MEP and the Chair of the EU’s South Caucasus Delegation, Marina Kaljurand, told OC Media.

Kaljurand said she urges Armenia and Azerbaijan to come to the ‘negotiating table under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group to find a peaceful and negotiated solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict’. 

‘The people of Armenia and Azerbaijan deserve peace and prosperity’, she said.

With its deployment of 2000 peacekeepers to Nagorno-Karabakh, Russia has been seen by many observers as a ‘winner’ of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War. The EU, meanwhile, is seen as one of the ‘losers’, with its influence vis a vis Russia, decreasing.

Russia has also been increasingly active in Armenia. From announcements that it will build new metro stations in Yerevan, to the first-ever opening of a diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church in Armenia, to the practical fact of the Russian FSB overseeing much of Armenia’s borders.  

According to Marina von Cramon, growing Russian influence in the South Caucasus is primarily based on military ‘boots on the ground’ but not on a ‘commitment to conflict resolution’. Especially when the increase in Turkish influence in Azerbaijan is also considered, ‘it’s becoming hard for the EU to have political influence’, von Cramon said. 

At the same time, she said, the role of the European Union in the region is fundamentally different to that of Russia. The EU does not seek to make Armenia or any other country in the region ‘dependent’ on the EU ‘as Russia is doing and has done in the past’. 

Lithuanian Member of European Parliament Rasa Juknevičienė, meanwhile, told OC Media she does not see the end of the Karabakh war ‘as a win for Russia, as some may argue’ — especially when considering Armenia’s military cooperation with Russia, and the role Turkey played in Azerbaijan’s victory. 

‘Russia’s monopoly of geopolitical influence in the region has actually weakened as Turkey entered the scene. I do not think that it was a wise decision [by Armenia] to rely on Russia entirely from the very beginning’, Juknevičienė told OC Media, adding that it was Armenia’s sovereign decision, ‘but a hard way to learn later that Putin’s Russia is not a security guarantor to be trusted’.

When asked about Russia’s role in the region, Lithuanian Ambassador to Armenia Inga Stanytė-Toločkienė was firm in her comment that ‘the resolution of the conflict needs to be “re-internationalised”’. 

‘There’s nothing healthy for smaller countries in the monopoly, or deals over their heads, by bigger regional powers’, Stanytė-Toločkienė said. ‘We would wish to see such concepts as “spheres of influence” firmly buried in the past’. 

Despite Russia’s inroads in the country, Stanytė-Toločkienė says that the EU remains Armenia’s key ‘reform partner’. As for the EU’s role in the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, that depends on the ‘extent Russia will feel it is in its interests to guard the monopoly it has created after the second Nagorno Karabakh War’.

Andrea Wiktorin told OC Media that Armenia does not necessarily have to choose between looking north and looking west.  CEPA for instance, she said is ‘fully compatible’ with Armenia’s membership in the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union trade bloc.

‘The Eastern partners have a full, sovereign right to shape the breadth and depth of their relations with the EU and other international players freely’, Wiktorin said.


Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS