Categories: 2021

Armenian minister stresses importance of border demarcation to avoid recurring border incidents

Panorama, Armenia
Nov 2 2021

Armenian Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures Gnel Sanosyan has confirmed that negotiations are underway to organize an Armenian-Russian-Azerbaijani summit in Moscow.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, he said, however, he has no knowledge of possible new documents to be signed at the meeting.

Earlier on 22 October, Armenian news site Aliq Media reported that the three countries are set to sign two new documents in early November.

Separately, Sanosyan stated that the public should not fear the demarcation and delimitation of the border with Azerbaijan, although he noted that “it may be painful once or twice”.

The minister indicated that the situation is painful, but highlighted the importance of the border demarcation process to avoid recurring border incidents in the future.

Speaking about maps to be used in the process, he stressed that their legal status must be taken into account, and the documents must be acceptable to all sides.

Samvel Nahapetian: