Ex-President Kocharyan will deliver comprehensive speech at November 8 rally, says opposition ‘Armenia’ Bloc MP

News.am, Armenia
Nov 6 2021

This is the first rally to  be convened by the "Armenia" Bloc since the parliamentary elections [on June 20], and it is natural that the leader of the bloc, the second President Robert Kocharyan, will not only be present at the rally, but will also deliver a comprehensive speech reflecting on the accumulated issues. Opposition "Armenia" Bloc MP Agnesa Khamoyan stated this to Armenian News-NEWS.am—and referring to our question as to whether Kocharyan will also make a speech at the November 8 rally in Yerevan.

At the same time, the lawmaker emphasized that neither the objectives of their bloc have changed, nor ex-president Kocharyan has backed down from the struggle—that is, to get rid of the incumbent Armenian authorities as soon as possible.

"After the elections, various assessments are made on our actions, there are opinions that we have been content with the parliamentary struggle alone, the fate of our country remains in danger, the geopolitical chain is being tightened around us. And in these conditions, I believe, the citizens who are worried about the fate of our country will surely get—at the November 8 rally—the answers to the questions that concern them," the opposition MP stated, emphasizing that the start of the pan-Armenian resistance will be given on November 8.