‘Armenian enemy’ uttered in every paragraph of Azerbaijan president’s address

News.am, Armenia
Nov 8 2021

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has made another militaristic speech—and this time on the one-year anniversary of the cessation of his country’s 44-day military aggression against Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) and Armenia.

As expected, the address was delivered in Artsakh’s currently Azerbaijani-occupied Armenian city of Shushi where the Azerbaijani president had arrived in military uniform—and accompanied by his wife, Mehriban Aliyeva.

The essence of the speech, which was carefully being listened to by several dozen Azerbaijani servicemen, was to personally praise him and the Azerbaijani army.

But the rhetoric of the president of Azerbaijan is noteworthy, as it has not changed at all in the context of the proposal of the "3 + 3" formula approved by the country. Also, the phrase "Armenian enemy" was uttered in every paragraph of the speech of the Azerbaijani president.

Aliyev even confirmed that it was Azerbaijan that had unleashed the aforementioned military aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh.

"When I was first elected to the office of president in 2003, I said in my message addressed to the Azerbaijani people that we would return our historic lands at all costs—whether peacefully or militarily. And so it happened. The years of peace talks did not yield any results. On the contrary, the enemy [i.e., Armenians] became even more impudent. If in the first years of the [Armenian] occupation the Azerbaijani people and I still had certain hopes in connection with the negotiation process, those hopes completely disappeared in recent times," he said.

Thus, the Azerbaijani leadership continues its policy of Armenophobia and sowing hatred towards Armenians. It should be recalled that, according to a statement by the office of the ombudsman of Armenia, the words by the Azerbaijan president and other high-ranking officials are used by the Azerbaijani military in the videos of the killings and torture of captured Armenians.