Categories: 2021

Baku not refuting attack on peaceful civilians in Artsakh, but putting blame on Yerevan

News.am, Armenia
Nov 9 2021

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan has made another immoral and unreal statement, blaming the Armenian side for the incident that took place near Shushi.

Yesterday an Azerbaijani soldier invaded the territory of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and shot four workers repairing a water pipeline, leaving one dead and three wounded.

After contemplating for a day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan put the blame for the incident on the Armenian side in general and on Armenia in particular. Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Leyla Abdulayeva declared that Azerbaijan allegedly has nothing to do with the incident and that “Russian peacekeepers are usually reported before launching any operation in this territory, and the operation is carried out with the accompaniment of the peacekeepers. This time, the Russian peacekeepers were not informed and didn’t participate in the operation which, of course, entails serious questions. That day, an event was held in Shushi and attended by the President of Azerbaijan and state officials, and it is known that in such cases enhanced measures are taken for security in the territory. Realizing this, repair of any water pipeline in a site that is the closest to the territory does not fit in any logic.”

The tolerance and silence of the international community with regard to the tremendous number of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Azerbaijan have obscured the brains of Azerbaijani officials so much that they aren’t even going out of their way to try to refute the fact that there were attacks on peaceful civilians. All this is happening in the context of the statements on the willingness of Azerbaijan to establish ‘an era of peace’ in the region.

Yeghisabet Vorskanian: