Pressing Dangerous 3+3 Scheme, Moscow Calls for Active Minsk Group Role

Russia's foreign ministry

Official Moscow said that it is time to “put into practice the 3+3 consultative platform,” referring to a scheme put forth by Ankara and Baku, and supported by Russia that would bring together Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Turkey and Iran to form a regional entity.

While touting this process, Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, at a press briefing Wednesday, called for the resumption of full-scale visits to Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh by the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs.

“As for the position of Georgia, we hear contradictory statements from Tbilisi regarding participation in this consultative mechanism,” Zakharova said referring to the so-called 3+3 scheme. “This is the position of a sovereign state. We assume that the ‘3 + 3’ platform is in the interests of all countries in the region.”

Saying that the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs enjoy broad international support, Zakharova reiterate Moscow’s position that it was important that the Minsk Group co-chairs continue efforts not only to help settle the Karabakh conflict, but primarily to address the socio-economic and humanitarian tasks facing the region.

Zakharova cited a meeting between the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers in September mediated by the co-chairs in New York, adding: ”now the co-chairs are preparing for meetings in a number of European capitals, and we believe it is important that the practice of full-scale visits by the co-chairs to this region resume as soon as possible.”