Categories: 2021

US Department of State condemns violence that caused death of Armenian civilian near Shushi

News.am, Armenia
Nov 9 2021

The United States Department of State Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs has condemned the violence that caused the death of an Armenian civilian near Shushi.

“We condemn the violence that caused the death of an Armenian civilian. We urge Armenia and Azerbaijan to intensify their engagement including through the Minsk Group Co-Chairs to resolve all outstanding issues related to or resulting from the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,” the Bureau tweeted.

On November 8, an Azerbaijani soldier, with the purpose of committing a terrorist act, left the territory under the control of the Azerbaijani side in the vicinity of Shushi and moved towards the Shushi-Berdzor road and shot workers who were repairing a water pipeline, the Investigative Committee of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) reported. Resident of the city of Stepanakert Martik Yeremyan, 23, died on the spot after receiving wounds in the head area. Gevorg Melkumyan, Gagik Ghazaryan and Armen Sargsyan received firearm injuries.

Garnik Zakarian: