Ombudsman: Azerbaijan seeks to isolate Armenian civilian settlements

PanArmenian, Armenia
Nov 13 2021

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Azerbaijani authorities are pursuing a targeted policy of isolating Armenian civilian settlements and causing humanitarian problems, all that under the guise of unblocking the region's roads, Armenian Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan has said.

Tatoyan believes the real reason behind Azerbaijan's decision to open border and customs checkpoints on a key interstate road in the south of Armenia is the established policy of propaganda of hatred and enmity against Armenians under the auspices of the Azerbaijani state.

"In addition, the Azerbaijani authorities are clearly well aware that the blocking of the Goris-Kapan road or the so-called Azerbaijani border and customs control will lead to violations of the rights of civilians, serious humanitarian problems, including the isolation of a number of settlements," the Ombudsman said.

"Consequently, especially since November 11 there have been violations of human rights, including those of the residents of the communities of Syunik (children, people with disabilities, the elderly, etc.) and serious humanitarian problems in general."

He said communication between the villages is either disrupted or significantly reduced, while the new road built to replace the one periodically blocked by Azerbaijan has become significantly overloaded.

"There are restrictions on fast and efficient access to food (bread, other foodstuffs) and basic necessities, medical care and services in these areas. People are faced with the problem of earning a family income (for example, by selling agricultural products)," Tatoyan said.

"The deployment of Azerbaijanis on said roads was carried out with overt threats of war, which is absolutely unacceptable from the point of view of the rule of law and international human rights standards."

The Ombudsman said the reports and facts collected during his stuff's trips to the region will be sent to the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the European Union, the OSCE, as well as various agencies in Armenia.