Categories: 2021

Armenian Ambassador to Russia doesn’t rule out applying to CSTO for assistance




MOSCOW, NOVEMBER 17, ARMENPRESS. Despite the situation having stabilized at the Armenian-Azerbaijani border it can’t be ruled out that Armenia could still apply to the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) for help, the Armenian Ambassador to Russia Vardan Toghanyan told RIA Novosti.

“It’s difficult to say, it depends on how the situation will develop, we have what we have,” he said when asked whether or not Yerevan intends to request help from the CSTO. “Let’s see how the developments will unfold.”

The situation in the eastern border of Armenia, which came under attack by Azerbaijani armed forces on November 16, is relatively stable as of 10:00 November 17, the Armenian Ministry of Defense said in a statement earlier on November 17.

It said that the ceasefire agreement is “mostly” holding.

The Ministry of Defense also issued information on casualties of the Azerbaijani military in the November 16 actions.

The Azerbaijani military suffered up to 70 casualties of personnel, including KIAs and WIAs, as well as significant materiel losses, namely 4 BTR armored personnel carriers, 1 Sandcat vehicle and 5 other automobile vehicles (Kamaz, Ural, UAZ).

1 Armenian soldier was killed in action and 13 others were taken captive by the Azerbaijani military. Another 24 Armenian troops are missing-in-action after contact with them was lost during combat.

“Intensive works are underway to find the servicemen. Two military positions have gone under adversary control. Russian-mediated negotiations are ongoing over resolving the situation and returning the captured Armenian servicemen.”


Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Aram Torosian: