Arabologist: Photo of map of Turkic world shown by Erdogan and Bahceli is simply a gift for Armenian diplomacy, Armenia
Nov 19 2021

The photo of a map of the Turkic World shown by leaders of the Turkey’s ruling coalition Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Devlet Bahceli is simply a gift for Armenian diplomacy to shape solidarity abroad in order to disrupt the Turkish-Azerbaijani “Zangezur corridor” project. This is what Arabologist Armen Petrosyan wrote on his Facebook page today.

“This map, which is considered the peak of objectification of the pan-Turkism ideology, clearly outlines all the countries and directions with respect to which #Ankara has led a targeted policy for years, and in the future, it will lead this policy more actively in order to implement the “Great #Turan” or “Turkic axis” program in the current conditions. The map features territories from the Balkan peninsula, #Russia, #Iran, #China, #Mongolia, parts of #Syria, #Iraq, and includes Turkic-speaking countries (#Azerbaijan, #Kazakhstan, #Kyrgyzstan, #Uzbekistan). And, most importantly, the key to this plan is in Syunik Province of Armenia — the alleged “Zangezur corridor”, which is called for ensuring unobstructed connection between all the sections of the plan.

The only thing Armenian diplomats, Armenians lobbying abroad and their partners need is to have in their smartphones the photo attached to the Facebook post and the map of Armenia and, during their work-related conversations and in their public speeches, clarify, with substantiated, that Armenia, weakened after the war, is incapable of suspending the prospective Turkic plan that may pose a threat to all the countries indicated on the map at the same time or in sequence in the visible future, based on the examples of seizure of #Artsakh and the possible seizure of the “Zangezur corridor”.”