’s special report: Drive from Kapan to Tchakatashen is 150 km instead of previous 8 km, Armenia
Nov 19 2021

Citizens of Armenia need to travel 150 km instead of the previous 8 km to travel from Kapan to Tchakaten, meaning they need to travel from Kapan to Meghri and then to Tchakaten. After the Azerbaijanis set up a customs point on the Kapan-Tchakaten road, six villages are no longer directly connected to Kapan.

The alternative road, which is talked about, is impassable, and no driver takes that road. Armenian’s correspondent tried to find a driver who would go to Tchakaten via that road, but in vain.

Armenian’s crew took the trip from Kapan to Meghri, but there was no transport from Meghri to Tchakaten, and the minimum price for a taxi is AMD 20,000.

The first village on the road from Meghri to Tchakaten is Tsav, which is also no longer directly linked to Kapan. “We’re waiting for the road to open soon, and we’re not panicking since panic will make us want to be evacuated. We’re psychologically and physically ready for this,” a resident of Tsav said. Another resident noted that if they [the authorities] knew that this road was going to be shut down, they should have launched construction of the alternative road earlier.