Categories: 2021

Cabinet approves 2021-2026 draft action plan



 12:03, 18 November, 2021

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 18, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian government today approved the 2021-2026  draft action plan.

Introducing the details of the plan at the Cabinet meeting today, Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan said that the package covers the strategic goals, the actions for achieving those goals, the expected results, timeframes and financial sources.

A total of 439 goals have been set, the action plan consists of 1276 measures.

“I would like to note that this action plan also reflects the implementation process of Armenia’s commitments assumed by the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement with the EU, as well as the actions to be taken within the 2.6 billion Euro aid package to be provided to Armenia under the EU economic and investment plan. This document is in accordance with both the main provisions of the EAEU strategic programs and also the strategic partnership frameworks approved by the international organizations and donors for Armenia, in particular in terms of political targets and goals”, deputy PM Grigoryan said.  

He emphasized that this document must become the government’s main working plan.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in his turn noted that everything connected with this action plan has been discussed publicly.

“The action plan includes all those measures which we have announced publicly, such as investments in education, science, infrastructure development, social assistance and other areas”, the PM said.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Boris Nahapetian: