Categories: 2021

We are entering a quantum era: Armenian President participates in Ada Lovelace festival

Public Radio of Armenia
Dec 10 2021

President Armen Sarkissian participated online in the Ada Lovelace festival in Germany titled “Quantum World.”

The festival, named after mathematician Ada Lovelace, is a unique platform for talented techies and tech enthusiasts to discuss the impact of technological change on different aspects of life. Representatives of the German government and leading technology companies are taking part in the festival.

Within the framework of the festival, President Sarkissian answered the questions on challenges of the changing world and quantum politics.

“What we are witnessing now, I call R-evolution, that is, rapid evolution,” said the President. “In other words, we will live in a period of constant rapid evolution, where quantum computing will completely change our lives. I’m sure that the people who are present at the conference are well aware of that. “

President Sarkissian noted that we must realize that we live in a world that is completely different even from the world 30 years ago. “The way we communicate, the fact that everyone has a device in their hands that contains a wealth of information, the fact that people can express their ideas on social media, the way we manage our healthcare system have completely changed our planet,” he said.”

“The planet has now become smaller, more crowded, very fast. Each of us leads two lives. We have our material life, and the electronic or alternative life that is constantly with us. This life is absolutely quantum in the sense that it travels at the speed of light, allowing you to receive large-scale information. That life also affects our material life,” President Sarkissian stated.

Asked about the impact of technological changes on the policy, President Sarkissian noted that the policy is changing. “Thirty, fifty or a hundred years ago, classical politics was implemented through a parliamentary, presidential or monarchical structure, through international structures. “Everything is different today,” he said. ” You vote not every 5 years, but at least 5 times a day through Facebook. Democracy has changed. The political events in the world over the last 10-15 years have become very unpredictable and unstable. We need to understand that we are entering a completely different era for humanity, which has one formulation – quantum.”

According to President Sarkissian, in the future people will make decisions with the help of artificial intelligence. “To compare what can happen, I will give an example from different areas of our lives. Take chess, for example. It’s a great game. I am proud to say that every child in Armenia learns chess from the first grade at school, because it is a fantastic tool to develop logic, concentration, thinking discipline,” said the President.

“Today chess has become a combination of a person with fantastic talent and a computer. No one can become a world champion today if he does not train with a computer. In other words, it has become an excellent helper that can analyze all possible steps. Tomorrow, the supercomputer, with the help of artificial intelligence, can help chess players take the right steps. But in any case, the chess players will be individuals, because chess is not just about making the right move. It is completely different when you see the person sitting in front of you, you have a struggle of personalities, characters, knowledge, cultures, maybe it is a struggle of morality. In other words, the decision-maker will be the person, but he can be supported by artificial intelligence. It will be the same in politics. Decisions will be made by people, but they will be helped by artificial intelligence. “

Garnik Tadevosian: