Armenpress: Wide range of events being planned on the occasion of 30th anniversary of Armenia-Russian relations

Wide range of events being planned on the occasion of 30th anniversary of Armenia-Russian relations




YEREVAN, 13 DECEMBER, ARMENPRESS. A wide range of programmes is being planned to mark the 30th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Russia, ARMENPRESS reports Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopirkin said during ''New Generation 2021'' forum.

''For Armenian-Russian relations year 2022 is remarkable also for another reason: next year our countries will be marking the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations and 25th anniversary of signing the bilateral Agreement on Friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance. Today under the auspices of the Foreign Ministries of the two countries a wide range of programmes is being planned, which will fully reflect the significance of the jubilee anniversary. In particular, in the framework of the jubilee year it is planned to sign a new programme of interdepartmental cultural cooperation, the key events of which will be Russia's days in Armenia and Armenia's days in Russia'', the Ambassador mentioned.