Categories: 2021

The practical results of the peacekeeping mission’s efforts can be seen today – Ambassador of Russia

The practical results of the peacekeeping mission's efforts can be seen today – Ambassador of Russia




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 13, ARMENPRESS. The Russian side attaches great importance to that the citizens of friendly Armenia overcome the stress caused by the war as soon as possible and gain confidence in the future, ARMENPRESS reports Ambassador of Russia to Armenia Sergey Kopirkin said on December 13 during the forum “New generation – 2021”.

“Russia, being faithful to its commitments, is making serious efforts to ensure stability, to restore peaceful life in the area of responsibility of our peacekeeping contingent, and to strengthen Armenia's security. At the same time, the humanitarian component is a clear priority. I think that the following initiatives in this direction are definitely noteworthy”, the Ambassador said.

A participant of the forum asked what steps Moscow can take if, five years later, Azerbaijan demands the withdrawal of the Russian peacekeeping force from Nagorno-Karabakh. In response to the question, the Ambassador noted that today their goal is to focus on solving the main problems.

“History, as you know, does not like ifs, it teaches us to act based on facts. That's why I would not like to dwell on such an important and hypothetical question. Today our goal is to focus on solving the main problems. These are ensuring the security of civilians, the whole region, the inadmissibility of the resumption of hostilities, the establishment of a normal life. It's important that the people feel safe and secure. It is obvious that in the light of these issues, the issue of peacekeepers will be resolved in the future, moreover, it will be resolved by all the participants involved in the November 9, 2020 declaration," the Ambassador added.

Sergey Kopirkin stressed that the practical results of the peacekeeping mission's efforts can be seen today. Demining works continue. About 26 thousand explosives have already been found, about 2.3 thousand hectares have been cleared, about 2 thousand buildings and 680 km of road network have been inspected. Much work has been done to rehabilitate civilian infrastructure.

Aram Torosian: