Categories: 2021

Aliyev claims that Baku has managed to convince Yerevan about ‘inevitability of opening of road to Nakhchivan’

News.am, Armenia
Dec 15 2021

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev claims that Baku has succeeded in convincing Yerevan about ‘the inevitability of the opening of the road [to Nakhchivan through Armenia]’.

“In the past, Armenia was against the opening of the highway, but we succeeded in convincing them [the Armenians] that it is inevitable, and they agree. So, there is consent. We are currently considering the legal regime for those corridors, particularly the legal regime of the Zangezur corridor which passes through Azerbaijan to Armenia and then to Nakhchivan. We still have some unresolved issues,” Ailyev said in an interview with El Pais newspaper, adding that ‘the two countries acknowledge the fact that the opening of the corridor needs to take place’.

As a matter of fact, the airspace is already active. Currently, the planes of Azerbaijani Airlines flying from Baku to Nakhchivan have already started flying through the airspace of Armenia,” Aliyev declared.

According to him, Baku wishes to open borders with Yerevan. “To date, some talks have been held within the scope of the trilateral task force led by the Deputy Prime Ministers of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia. The main goal and objective of this task force is to open the communications. Currently, there is a full agreement on the opening of railway communication between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and we have started building the destroyed railway in the liberated regions that will stretch to the border with Armenia,” he said.

Edgar Tavakalian: