Iranian MPs visit Armenian Genocide Memorial

Public Radio of Armenia
Dec 21 2021

On a working visit to Armenia, Members of the delegation led by the head of the Iran-Armenia Friendship Group of Iran’s Majlis Seyed Mahdi Farshadan visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial on December 21 accompanied by Gevorg Papoyan, head of the Armenia-Iran Friendship Group at the Armenian National Assembly.

The guests were greeted by Lusine Abrahamyan, Deputy Director for Museum Works of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, who presented the history of the memorial. She briefed the guests on the story of three khachkars placed in the area of Tsitsernakaberd, which are dedicated to the memory of the Armenians who died during the ethnic cleansing of the Armenian population in Azerbaijan at the end of the 20th century.

The Iranian MPs including two Armenian deputies of the Iranian Parliament Ara Shaverdyan and Robert Beglaryan, laid flowers at the eternal flame and observed a minute of silence in memory of the consecrated martyrs of the Armenian Genocide.

They also toured the Armenian Genocide Museum and got acquainted with permanent and temporary exhibitions.

At the end of the visit, the members of the delegation made notes in the Book of Honorary Guests.