Categories: 2021

Opposition and police clash in Sukhumi

News.am, Armenia
Dec 21 2021

Clashes between the opposition and police officers overseeing the complex of government buildings have begun in Sukhumi, Interfax reports.

The rally organized by the People’s Patriotic Union of Abkhazia is taking place at the square facing the Abkhazian drama theater and located near the complex of government buildings and the President’s administration.

The supporters of incumbent leader of the republic Aslan Bzhania are standing in front of the presidential palace, and representatives of pro-government political parties and non-governmental organizations are giving speeches every now and then.

The complex of government buildings is blocked with metal barriers. The demonstrators are trying to break through the chain of police officers and enter the square. Gunshots are heard. Police officers used smoke bombs.

As reported Apsnipress, after the opposition’s meeting with the Abkhazian president, Advisor to the President for Science and Culture Nugzar Logua came to the square and informed that the President is ready to start negotiations with the opposition and discuss all the issues of the latter’s concern in a few days when the situation calms down.

Diana Dabaghian: