Categories: 2021

Armenia Security Council Secretary on ‘3+3’ format: If there is opportunity, we will go to Baku and Ankara

News.am, Armenia
Dec 22 2021

We will hold more discussions on the Armenian-Turkish relations in the bilateral format, but if there is an opportunity to hold discussions in the ‘3+3’ format, we will also take advantage of that opportunity to have contacts with Turkey and express each other’s positions more clearly and make them more accessible. This is what Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan said in an interview aired on Armenian Public Television today, touching upon Armenia’s participation in the ‘3+3’ or ‘3+2’ regional format being formed and the possible agenda within the scope of that format.

Asked if this means that Armenia’s representatives will go to Ankara since the Turkish foreign minister informed that the next meeting will be held in Turkey and then in Baku and the representatives of Turkey and Azerbaijan will visit Armenia, Grigoryan said the following: “If there is an opportunity, we are ready to go, and we are also ready to host the representatives of those countries to organize discussions on our regional issues.”

The first meeting in this regional format was held on Dec. 10 in Moscow, and Armenia was represented at the level of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Although the Georgian national flag was seen at the meeting, Georgia didn’t participate in the meeting since it is against participation in this and any platform with Russia’s participation. Nevertheless, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu recently voiced hope that Georgia will participate in the next meeting to be held in Ankara, but Tbilisi hasn’t responded to this yet.

Lara Chatinian: