Categories: 2021

Russian peacekeepers gave New Year’s gifts to about 1 thousand children of Artsakh

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 23 2021

The servicemen of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, together with benefactors, held a humanitarian action and congratulated about 1 thousand schoolchildren of the Mardakert district of Artsakh living near the demarcation line on the upcoming New Year, the Russian defense ministry reported. 

On the territory of the school in the Mardakert district, peacekeepers together with benefactors handed over New Year's gifts in the form of children's toys and candy sets to elementary school students.

According ti the source, earlier, another batch of humanitarian cargo for the children of Nagorno Karabakh was delivered from Moscow to Yerevan by military transport aircraft of the Russian Defence Ministry. Humanitarian aid weighing about 20 tons was collected by charitable organizations and loaded onto a military board at the Chkalovsky airfield in the Moscow region. Then the cargo from Yerevan was delivered by peacekeepers to Nagorno Karabakh.

It is noted that during the holidays, Russian peacekeepers, together with philanthropists, will hold about 70 humanitarian actions and give gifts to about 8 thousand children from remote areas of Nagorno-Karabakh near the demarcation line of the parties.

Jhanna Virabian: