Categories: 2021

800 children from Artsakh’s Martakert region receive New Year gifts

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 25 2021

Servicemen of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, together with benefactors, held a humanitarian action in a remote settlement of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) as part of the New Year holidays, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Saturday.

Specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Rehabilitation congratulated and handed over gifts to more than 800 children from the school of the settlement of Vank in the Martakert region located near the line of contact of the parties.

"The Russian peacekeeping contingent, together with the association of charitable organizations, held a New Year event in Vank village of the Martakert district. More than 800 children received New Year gifts, toys and candy," said Alexander Kudrin, a representative of the Russian peacekeeping contingent.

During the holidays, Russian peacekeepers, together with philanthropists, will carry out around 70 humanitarian actions and give gifts to some 8,000 children from remote areas of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Earlier, another batch of humanitarian cargo for the children of Artsakh was delivered from Moscow to Yerevan by military transport aircraft of the Russian Defense Ministry. Humanitarian aid weighing about 20 tons was collected by charitable organizations and loaded onto a military board at the Chkalovsky airfield in the Moscow region. Then the cargo was delivered from Yerevan to Nagorno-Karabakh by peacekeepers.

Tatoyan Vazgen: