Categories: 2021

Constantine Orbelian: I believe difficulties are a thing of the past

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 25 2021

Famous Armenian conductor and pianist Constantine Orbelian has extended New Year greetings.

"Dear friends, at the end of every year we sum up our activities of the past 12 months, the failures and achievements. I hope that in spite of all the difficulties, we still managed to find the most effective solutions to certain issues,” he said in a message on Saturday.

“I am convinced that difficulties are a thing of the past. Most of all I wish Peace to my homeland, unflagging patience to our compatriots and all the prerequisites for work and creation. In loving memory of the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the homeland, I bow down before their mothers.

“Each of us must contribute to the development and strengthening of our homeland through our hard work. Each of us has dreams related to Armenia and the world, which we will definitely realize together. May 2022 be a fruitful year and may the breath of art be everywhere. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!” reads the message.

Parkev Tvankchian: