We are interested in starting negotiations and concluding a peace treaty – Pashinyan




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 24, ARMENPRESS. Armenia is interested in concluding a peace treaty and launching negotiations on it, ARMENPRESS reports PM Pashinyan said in an online press conference, answering the question if it’s possible to conclude a peace treaty with Azerbaijan in the context of unblocking transport infrastructures and providing security guarantees.

“We are definitely interested in concluding a peace treaty and the launch of the talks on the treaty. Recently, the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs proposed a negotiating agenda, one of the points of which was the issue of a peaceful and comprehensive settlement. And we are interested in that, we have not refused to talk about it, and we will not refuse," Pashinyan said.

According to him, in the context of the desire of the Armenian government to open an era of peaceful development for the country and the region, it would be illogical for the Armenian Government to say that they do not want to hear about the peace treaty. "Of course, one of our key goals is a comprehensive peace treaty, a comprehensive solution. By and large, all the negotiations, all that we are talking about, what are we talking about? We are talking about a peace treaty, as well as its possible provisions and content," Pashinyan said.

The Prime Minister emphasized that due to the propaganda chaos, constant attempts are made to create the impression that the Armenian authorities are against demarcation and delimitation. He assured that there is no such thing. "There is an impression that we are against the peace treaty and the comprehensive settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Of course, we are not against, of course, we are for, we are interested in it," he said.

Armenia also wants to open communications, and it will move forward in all those directions. Pashinyan considers it normal that during these talks Azerbaijan will try to make its interests more expressive, and Armenia will try to make its interests better expressed.

“But if we manage to formulate a model of peace that will be beneficial to both Armenia and Azerbaijan, then perhaps the negotiating table will be less of a field of conflict or opposition, but rather an opportunity of understanding the other side's point of view, come to some acceptable provisions from those points of view and to form some type of a new scheme“, the PM said, adding that there clearly were such preconditions in Sochi and Brussels.

According to Pashinyan, after Sochi, however, events took place that seriously called into question that conversation. Fortunately, no such events have taken place following the Brussels meeting.