Cavusoglu: Turkish-Armenian Protocols of 2009 have lost their significance 
Dec 27 2021

Ankara is focused on long-term peace and stability in the South Caucasus. This was stated by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, Anatolian news agency reports.

"As for the protocols [on normalization with Armenia from 2009], the meaning in these documents has disappeared.

Goodwill was shown during the signing period. However, as you know, the most important points of these protocols were annulled by the decision of the Constitutional Court of Armenia, so these documents have become a thing of the past. Unfortunately, they did not have any success in the conditions of that period.

Today we are talking about a new process within which steps are possible to normalize relations, which will contribute to peace, stability and development in the South Caucasus," the Turkish minister continued.