Armenian PM: We must resolutely move towards the Armenia that our ancestors, our martyrs dreamed of, Armenia
Dec 29 2021

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan participated in a reception organized for the representatives of the public administration system on the occasion of the New Year and Christmas holidays.

In his speech, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan particularly said,

“Honorable President of the National Assembly,

Distinguished representatives of the Government, the legislative and the judicial branches,

First of all, I would like to thank all of you for the work done in 2021, because people usually complain about the work of the public system, citing bureaucracy, hassles, delays. But I want to remind you that 2021 was not an ordinary year, in fact, we felt, saw and faced a significant part of the consequences of the 44-day war in 2021. Our statehood was facing huge, dangerous challenges, and it should be stated that we were able to manage those challenges.

Of course, it was not easy, the work done by all those present, all our state bodies, local self-government bodies is of essential and key importance for the management of those challenges. I am really thankful to you for that work. Moreover, by overcoming those challenges, we not only did not damage Armenia's international reputation as a democratic country, but, on the contrary, strengthened it even more.

Early parliamentary elections were held in the country in 2021. With them, we were able to reveal a new function of the electoral process, when the atmosphere of internal political unrest was finally overcome by the elections, and not the contrary. During those elections and before that, our entire state system, legal system and judiciary worked around the clock. Moreover, they worked trying not to yield to emotions, trying to stay loyal to the service, mission, state order. And it is obvious that in 2021 this service of addressing these challenges was a success, which does not mean that our work is perfect, on the contrary, in 2020-2021 we identified a number of systemic problems that exist in our public administration system. And an agenda has been formed, which, of course, we must consistently implement.

Our greatest challenge is ensuring external security, but I want to emphasize again that ensuring external security is not, has not been and should not be the function of only the army, the Armed Forces. It is equally the function of our diplomatic service, our other public administration bodies. I would also like to mention here the work of our special services, the important mission and work of our parliamentary diplomacy. And I want to emphasize that we have also overcome significant challenges in the field of internal security in 2021, moreover, we have overcome those challenges without any shocks. And in this regard, I want to emphasize again the work of our law enforcement agencies.

Dear attendees,
Dear colleagues,

I want to wish Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all you, your families. I want to believe that 2022 will really be a year of renascence for Armenia. I hope the shocks that took place in 2020-2021, our capability to pass that road full of those shocks, which was demonstrated, will really help and strengthen us in building a state worthy of all our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the Motherland during the 44-day war, the four-day war that took place before it, also our victims of the previous Artsakh war. This is probably the biggest motivation we have. And this is probably the biggest motivation, which should never allow us to waver or shake under any circumstances. We must take firm steps towards the Armenia that our ancestors dreamed of, that our martyrs dreamed of, that we dream of for our generations.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!"