City councilor deplores 2022 Yerevan budget

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 28 2021

The Yerevan City Council adopted the draft budget of the city for 2022 by a vote of 36 for, no against and one abstention at a session on Tuesday.

The document envisages 94,560,201 drams in revenues and 98,821,222 in spending for the capital next year. The budget deficit is projected at 4,261,021 drams.

City councilor Arman Antonyan deplored the budget as "reckless" in his speech at the session.

"Does this draft budget have anything to do with the capital of a war-torn country?" he said.

Antonyan regretted that no joint debates were held and many proposals were not included in the reference summary sheet. He stated the figures in the budget are “ungrounded”.

Yerevan Mayor Hrachya Sargsyan disagreed with his claims, admitting, however, some changes may be made in the document.