Turkish press: Iranian, Armenian leaders discuss regional developments in phone call

Jeyhun Aliyev   |03.01.2022


Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan spoke over the phone and discussed regional developments, an Iranian presidency statement said on Monday.

"Developing the level of cooperation and economic exchanges between Tehran and Yerevan, while ensuring the interests of all parties, will certainly provide security," the statement quoted Raisi as saying.

He emphasized that Iran is ready to increase trade activities with Armenia.

Calling for continuous communication and dialogue between the two nations at different levels, Raisi said that the "sensitivity of the situation" in the Caucasus region requires the regional countries to "regularly" discuss regional and bilateral issues.

"One of the key policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of countries. In this regard, Tehran supports the sovereignty of Armenia over all territories and roads passing through that country," he added.

Raisi also welcomed the progress in the negotiation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, adding that his country supports the "removal of roadblocks."

"We hope that other issues between the two countries will be resolved peacefully within the framework of international principles and law and witness more peace, stability and security in the region," he stressed.

Pashinyan, for his part, said: "We are confident that by increasing the level of cooperation and bilateral coordination, we can take important steps to establish peace and security in the region."

He went on to say that Armenia is determined to increase economic relations and interactions with Iran in all areas.

"There are many projects for the activities of Iranian companies in Armenia and we welcome the presence of more of these companies in the implementation of infrastructure projects," the Armenian prime minister said.