Categories: 2022

Armenia’s state interests subordinated once again and put at risk – Gayane Abrahamyan

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 6 2022

Former lawmaker from ruling Civil Contract party Gayane Abrahamyan commented on Facebook the CSTO Council decision to send the organization's peacekeepers to Kazakhstan with the aim of stabilization and normalization of the situation in the country. 

"It is obvious that Armenia was not the party to initiate and all the more, make a decision to send the CSTO peacekeepers to Kazakhstan, yet the group of authoritarian states wanted this decision about the interference to be announced by a leader, who himself had come to power through the street protests. This was announced by the one who was left alone by the CSTO at the most decisive and critical period of its history the bloc  described the cynical violation of Armenia's borders and the war as 'a border incident'," Abrahamyan wrote on her Facebook page.

In Abrahamyan's words, the CSTO Council decision should have been communicated on the Council's behalf but not by the prime minister of Armenia, and the latter should have steered away from communicating this through the website of the prime minister and his Facebook page. 

"Armenia's chairmanship of the Collective Security Treaty Organization is a titular post. The CSTO Council comprises of the heads of members states, and the Chairman is the head of the country which chairs the the organization at a specific period. With this notorious statement and its announcement to the world on behalf of Armenia's prime minister, our country lost its main and perhaps the only trump card in its foreign relations of being a democratic state and its positioning of being an advocate for democrats values," Abrahamyan concluded. 

Lara Chatinian: