Asbarez: Editorial: Bracing for the Challenges of the New Year

The events of the past year-and-a-half have ensured that 2022 is going to be fraught with challenges for the Armenian Nation as we continue to grapple with the after-effects of the 44-Day War in 2020 and the broader obstacles posed by what seems to be a never-ending pandemic.

We ushered in 2021 with most of Artsakh having been surrendered to—occupied by—Azerbaijan. If that weren’t enough, Baku continued its military campaign against Armenia and Artsakh by essentially invading territories within Armenia-proper, when it breached its sovereign borders in May and advanced its positions inside Armenia’s Gegharkunik and Syunik provinces.

On the domestic front, faced with post-war realities, the Armenian government, headed by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, did little to bring the people together to collectively take charge of the fate of our homeland. In fact, Pashinyan and his ruling party mounted such a divisive and vitriolic campaign that less than 50 percent of Armenia’s voters turned out for the June snap parliamentary elections. Meanwhile the opposition, led by former presidents Robert Kocharian and Serzh Sarkisian, offered no viable alternative except to amplify the discord and, through name-calling and insults, sought to sway the population to no avail. The result became a lop-sided and dysfunctional legislature, which has yet to embrace the gravity of the moment.

The year ended with a new wrinkle making its way onto our national agenda: A renewed effort to normalize relations with Turkey, which has yet to suffer any consequences for its overt involvement in the war.

Pashinyan and his government have opted to put Artsakh in the rearview and pivot to a policy of “peace in the region,” without concrete guarantees that the process will not bring more concession by and dangers to Armenia and Artsakh.

The shocking defeat in the war and its consequences have left the Diaspora—which turned out in hundreds of thousands to show its overwhelming solidarity with Armenia and Artsakh during the war—lethargic. Some have retreated to silence, while others, among them organizations, are attempting to navigate the uncertainties yet continuing their valiant efforts to assist the homeland by renovating schools, providing relief to families of fallen soldiers and rehabilitation to the wounded and the displaced.

The weight of these challenges must not deter any Armenian from becoming engaged in the name of salvaging our homeland. While we never mourned as a collective nation for our insurmountable losses, enough time has passed for us to collect our bearings and grab the mantle to advance our struggle. There is too much at stake for us to simply remain idle. It is time for us to shape our own narrative and the future of our homeland.

As we begin a new year, our Nation must be ready to confront the challenges ahead. What is required is a resolve to be resilient, because the road ahead is sure to be bumpy and filled with unexpected turns. We must regain our strength to fight against injustices and threats facing our homeland. We must fight to regain what has been lost. We must never give up on victory.

As we welcome a new year and introduce our annual Special Issue, the editorial board and management of Asbarez would like to thank each and every individual who made this edition one of the most successful ones yet.

Our contributors, whose writing and perspectives bring diversity and variety to our pages;
Our correspondents, whose interviews and coverage of topics provide an in-depth view of our every-day issues;
Our dedicated staff, whose tireless efforts ensures that Asbarez continues its service to the community;
Our advertisers, who continue to recognize Asbarez’s power in advancing their products and services;
Our generous donors, whose belief in the Asbarez’s mission propels them to support and ensure our continued growth and perseverance.

We Thank You!