CSTO Secretary-General expects Kazakhstan peacekeeping mission to last briefly



 11:19, 7 January, 2022

YEREVAN, JANUARY 7, ARMENPRESS. CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas presented the grounds for deploying peacekeeping forces to Kazakhstan.

In an interview with RIA Novosti, Zas said the CSTO peacekeepers were deployed to Kazakhstan based on the Collective Security Treaty Article 2 and Article 4, the Treaty on Peacekeeping Activities and Kazakh President Kassim-Jomart Tokayev’s request for military assistance.

“This is the basis which led to leaders of our member states to make the decision on holding peacekeeping activities. The Collective Security Treaty Article 2 clearly and understandably states that in the event of a threat to a member-state’s security, stability, territorial integrity and sovereignty the CSTO member states are holding immediate consultations to coordinate their positions and take measures to provide support to that country, and that’s what happened in case of Kazakhstan. The events that are taking place there now pose a real danger to the country’s security, stability and even territorial integrity. That’s why we received the request, emergency consultations between the leaders of the states were held and a respective decision was made on activating the CSTO peacekeeping potential to minimize the threats and stabilize the situation,” Zas said.

Zas said the deployment of troops has already begun and he expects that the peacekeeping mission will last briefly.

“We expect the timeframes to be short. Whether the timeframes will be a matter of days or weeks will depend on the situation that will develop in Kazakhstan, and of course this will also depend on the Kazakh leadership’s position. If the local government were to consider the situation as stablizied and under control in their own powers without the help of all our member states, then of course the mission will be completed and the troops will be withdrawn,” Zas said.

Secretary General Zas added that all CSTO member states have expressed readiness to participate with their units and the deployment started.

“The peacekeeping forces’ Russian contingent’s advance units are already in Kazakhstan and have begun carrying out their objectives. The first echelon of the Belarusian contingent will arrive there in a few hours. Gradually, I think today, we will complete the deployment of all other peacekeeping units. The total number of peacekeeping troops could vary. As of now, according to the decisions made it is about over 2500 troops. We will make decisions according to the situation. We have over 3600 men in the entire formations comprising the CSTO peacekeeping forces, if necessary we will enhance the formation in Kazakhstan.”

He said the peacekeeping units include different units, such as paratroopers and special forces, which are permanently in state of combat readiness.

Stanislav Zas underscored that it doesn’t matter how many troops a given member-state has sent. “It is a gesture which means readiness to support Kazakhstan. All CSTO member states have provided support. This is important for us,” he said.

Speaking about the objectives of the peacekeepers, Zas said there are two parts – the protection of strategic state facilities and support to the maintenance of law and order, so that people feel safe.

He strongly denied rumors alleging the CSTO peacekeepers will disperse protests, calling the reports “defamation”.

Asked whether or not the peacekeepers are authorized to use deadly force in the event of a facility under their protection coming under attack, Zas said “yes, in such cases weapons will be used.”

The CSTO Council of Defense Ministers will further appoint a commander of the peacekeepers.

The CSTO Secretary General expressed hope that the situation in Kazakhstan will stabilize.

Earlier the Kazakh authorities again reiterated that the CSTO peacekeepers are not involved in combat operations.