Armenia ex-defense minister: Authorities decided to organize PR on army  
Armenia – Jan 28 2022

The army is the structure that, with its organization and level of discipline, is obligated be the first to stand up and straighten its back, restoring its reputation as a former victor and a competitive army in the region. Seyran Ohanyan, leader of the opposition "Armenia" Faction in the National Assembly and former defense minister of Armenia, stated this on the TALK TIME program of Armenian

"Where the army and the people are united, they are invincible. But in this 44-day war [in the fall of 2020], that unity was not seen. In parallel with the war, our authorities failed to move the state on the military tracks, unite the whole nation, and lead to victories. The rear of the army remained open—at least in terms of personnel and logistics. In 2018, the capabilities of our army sharply decreased, first of all, the society was hit, the society was divided into parts," he said.

And to the remark that the incumbent Armenian authorities announce that the army was armed the most right after the revolution in 2018, Seyran Ohanyan responded: "The authorities are not right—at the very least. If the authorities invite me to any open or closed discussion in the same Ministry of Defense, I can submit. Twenty-seven years of work cannot be compared to [just] three years of work. They have inflated the central apparatus, whereas the military organizations, the mobilization organizations have reduced them. It can be said that they decided to organize PR on the army; that is, the [army] rear support, food, and equipment was underscored more than the armament of the army.”