Categories: 2022

Only 5-6% of COVID-19 infected people in Armenia needs hospitalization, says minister




YEREVAN, JANUARY 27, ARMENPRESS. Omicron cases are sharply growing both in Armenia, in the region and all over the world, Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan said during the Cabinet meeting today, adding that this week Armenia is in the period of a progressive growth in terms of confirmed COVID-19 cases.

“As for the hospitalization percentages among the infected people, it is within 5-6%. It means that 5-6% of the infected people needs hospitalization. This is the only good news in this period, and both the already large number of vaccinated people and the certain characteristics of this strain contribute to this”, the minister said.

The minister informed that there is already the plan of expanding the hospital capacities, the beds.

“We have not fully launched it yet and will do it as required. Currently, six hospitals deal with the treatment of COVID-19. We will expand the hospital beds as needed”, she said.

Avanesyan also informed that vaccinations against coronavirus continue actively in the country. 37% are fully vaccinated. The minister assured that vaccinated citizens show mainly no symptoms or mild symptoms if infected with COVID-19.

The minister said all types of vaccines are available in Armenia, and the Pfizer vaccine will be delivered soon.

Maral Takmazian: