Categories: 2022

Hamazkayin W.R.L.G. presents Silva Allahverdian 2022

Good Morning Everyone,
Thank You for coming to our event, you can watch the video on our Facebook Page
Hamazkayin Western Region Literary Group presents Silva Allahverdian "The Periods of Armenian Literature" at 8pm (PST), 11pm (EST), (Armenia Friday 8am) FREE on Zoom. Contact Anna Seferian for details (818) 631-7611.

February 3, 2022      Armenian Folklore
February 17, 2022      Ancient Armenian Literature
March 3, 2022    Armenian Medieval Literature
March 17, 2022          Armenian New Literature

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Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Hamazkayin-Western-Region-Literary-Group-103109858137951
Instagram - www.instagram.com/hamazkayinwrliterarygroup
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 406800
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Thank you!
Hamazkayin Western Region Literary Group

PNG image

Garo Vardanian: