Categories: 2022

Artsakh factions of National Assembly draft bill on Artsakh occupied territories

Armenia – Jan 30 2022

The leaders of the five parliamentary factions of Artsakh jointly worked on a draft law "On the Occupied Territories of Artsakh" and on February 2 will present it for the first reading, Metakse Hakobyan, a member of the Justice faction of the Artsakh National Assembly, told NEWS.am.

"The main idea of the project is that no international organization or company has the right to take any action in the occupied territories of our homeland without the agreement of the Armenian side, and in case of any problems in the future these companies will not have the right to demand compensation or reimbursement from us if they have not coordinated their actions with us beforehand. The second point is that our enemy-occupied territories are not only the territories occupied in 2020. This is also the Shahumian region, which was left under Azerbaijani control after the first Artsakh war, as well as the villages of Martuni and Martakert. This is the essence of the draft, which will be put to a vote in the first reading at the February 2 plenary session and will be adopted in the second reading," she said.

According to the deputy, 30 years ago the people of Artsakh self-determined and proclaimed itself a free and independent state, which is international law.

"Regardless of whether other states have recognized it or not, this is an international right and Artsakh self-determined 30 years ago, and no one can take that right away from the people of Artsakh and Armenians as a whole. This project is fully legal, it is important because now we agree to return not just pieces of land but our entire homeland, we are ready to fight for it," she said.

The deputy said that the territories occupied by Azerbaijan include Kashatagh region, Shahumyan region, Martuni, Martakert, Hadrut, Shushi, Askeran and Getashen.

Adrine Hakobian: