Vahagn Khachatryan comments on reports of his nomination as Armenian president
Armenia – Jan 31 2022

Armenia’s Minister of High-Tech Industry Vahagn Khachatryan on Monday neither confirmed nor denied media reports suggesting that he is the ruling Civil Contract party’s presidential candidate.

Earlier on Sunday, the Public TV Company reported that the issue of Khachatryan’s possible nomination was discussed at the board meeting of the party.

Speaking with reporters, Khachatryan underlined that President Armen Sarkissian’s resignation will take effect on Tuesday if he does not withdraw it by the time.

"It won’t be appropriate for me to make any comments today. He still has an opportunity to withdraw his resignation," he said.

In the meantime, Khachatryan noted that he meets all the requirements for a president envisaged by the Armenian Constitution, highlighting he is above 40 years of age and an official with a track record.

“In these circumstances, I presume I could be on the list [of presidential candidates] given that I am a member of the current government and the political team,” he said.

Asked if he has received a proposal from the prime minister, the minister said that "such a conversation has not yet taken place."

Khachatryan noted that he stopped his party activities after the 2017 elections and considers himself non-partisan.