Categories: 2022

Opposition MP: Armenia’s Supreme Judicial Council became a tool to intimidate judges

Armenia – Feb 1 2022

Lawyer and opposition Hayastan faction MP Aram Vardevanyan denounced the decision of Armenia’s Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) to allow the prosecution of judge Boris Bakhshiyan.

The SJC on Tuesday unanimously approved a request of Prosecutor-General Artur Davtyan to allow the law enforcement authorities to prosecute and arrest Bakhshiyan, a judge of the Syunik Court of General Jurisdiction, days after he ruled to release jailed opposition figure and war veteran Ashot Minasyan.

“As I said once, the SJC has become a tool of intimidating and punishing balanced and professional judges, who refuse to fulfil political orders,” Vardevanyan wrote on Facebook.

“It is clear to all that the SCJ silently and obediently carries out any instruction from the authorities. If the authorities decide to punish the SCJ, they will go ahead and punish themselves.

“It is extremely important that the professional community expresses its position on this disgraceful situation and I will personally take part in any initiative,” he noted.

Boris Nahapetian: