Categories: 2022

Vardan Voskanyan: Baku dictator’s unbalanced ‘message’ addressed not only to Armenia

Armenia – Feb 1 2022

Iran specialist Vardan Voskanyan reacted to the fresh threats of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev against Armenians.

"The Baku dictator once again talked nonsense and threatened Armenia, labelling us "fascists" and threatening to destroy us if we try to raise our heads,” he wrote on Facebook on Monday.

“However, this clearly unbalanced "message" is obviously addressed not only to us, since in the same context he speaks about "Armenia's patrons" without naming specific countries. Taking into account his focus on so-called Armenian "fascism”, it is easy to guess that the other main addressee of the "message" is Russia.

“Hence, if we recall in this regard the congratulatory message of the Russian Embassy in Yerevan on the Armenian Army Day, which drops a hint that official Moscow wants to see a strong and restored Armenian army, everything falls into place.

“Incidentally, armies are usually restored and become stronger not for the opening of some "era of peace”, but for the anti-fascist struggle, which is terrifying for truly fascist regimes, like the Azerbaijani one,” Voskanyan said.

Bedik Zaminian: