Azerbaijan sets up special commission to destroy Armenian cultural heritage  
Armenia – Feb 4 2022

A special commission has been set up in Azerbaijan to destroy Armenian cultural heritage.

The minister of culture of Azerbaijan, Anar Karimov, told local media that this commission comprises specialists who know the history, culture, and writing of Albania.

"Armenians have left traces on our monuments. Now we are gathering evidence in this regard," Karimov said, continuing the Azerbaijani authorities’ policy of "Albanian" affiliation of Armenian churches in.

"Work is being done in this regard with international experts in the field of Albanian Studies, it is planned to invite them to Azerbaijan. As you know, we cannot go to those areas for security reasons. In the next phases, we will go—with local and international experts—to the areas where the Armenianized Albanian monuments are located, all the facts will be documented and presented to the international community," the aforesaid Azerbaijani minister said.

Meanwhile, Azerbaijani authorities categorically refuse to allow UNESCO representatives to enter Armenian territories under their control. The reasons are obvious: the Azerbaijani side needs time to falsify the "evidence."