Categories: 2022

Ombudsman publishes new ad hoc report on Azerbaijan’s policy of hatred towards Armenians

Public Radio of Armenia
Feb 4 2022

Armenia’s Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan has published a new ad hoc report on Azerbaijani policy of hatred and animosity against Armenians after the 44-day war.

This report is based on objective evidence, concrete facts that have collected through the daily work of the Ombudsman’s Office.

Below are the main points of the report as outlined by the Human Rights Defender:

1) After the war, the Azerbaijani authorities continued the state policy of propaganda of hatred and enmity.

2) It has 2 pillars: ethnic and religious.

3) It is not only about rhetoric, but a real policy implemented for years (education, culture, sports, etc.). Therefore, it is not right to speak only of rhetoric.

4) This policy is the real source of human rights violations by the Azerbaijani armed forces in Armenia before, during and after the war, including war crimes and various atrocities.

5) Hatred and propaganda of hostility are a source of political life for the Azerbaijani authorities, a way to divert their own people from internal problems: it has not decreased and will not decrease.

6) Religious hatred acquires new and extremely dangerous developments, accusing the Armenian people of Islamophobia without any ground. This brings with it new manifestations of the destruction of churches, the abolition of their Armenian identity, and the torture of Armenian captives. The report presents historical facts to show the real respect of the Armenian Church and our people for Islam.

7) Azerbaijan’s policy of hatred incites hostility between the two peoples worldwide, which is also dangerous for other countries where Armenians and Azeris live.

8) Azerbaijani calls for peace have no honest motives, they are false, they are a veil for the outside world.
Peace is the highest value for us, hostility is not acceptable, but there is no real peace at the expense of the rights of one party, peace does not mean hatred. Therefore, we must not forget about all this. We need real guarantees to protect our rights.

Rose Khoyetsian: