Categories: 2022

New Vice Mayors of Yerevan appointed



 14:58, 8 February, 2022

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 8, ARMENPRESS. Three new Vice Mayors of Yerevan were appointed by the City Council at the February 8 session.

By law, Vice Mayors are appointed by the City Council at the nomination of the Mayor.

Gevorg Simonyan was appointed Vice Mayor with 51 votes in favor, 0 against and 2 present (53 registered city councilors took part). Simonyan will coordinate the healthcare and sports areas.

Suren Grigoryan was installed with 50-0-1 votes (53 registered city councilors took part), he will be in charge of the legal, trade and advertising sectors.

Stepan Machyan was appointed with 52-0-2 votes (55 registered city councilors). Machyan will be in charge of urban development.

Mayor Hrachya Sargsyan said the City Hall doesn’t have a position of chief architect anymore, but he believes that the office must be restored.

Manouk Vasilian: