Azerbaijan Walks Back Plans to Erase Armenian Traces From Churches

Moscow Times

Feb. 8, 2022

Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Culture has responded to controversy
resulting from its earlier announcement that it intended to erase
Armenian inscriptions from churches located in territories the country
reclaimed as a result of the 2020 war against Armenia.

On February 7, the ministry published a statement addressing what it
called "reports circulated by some biased foreign mass media outlets
over the past few days." It emphasized that "Azerbaijan has always
been respectful of its historical and cultural heritage, regardless of
religious and ethnic origin."

Four days earlier, Minister of Culture Anar Karimov told a press
briefing that it would be forming a working group tasked with removing
“the fictitious traces written by Armenians on Albanian religious

That referred to a theory, which has become prominent in Azerbaijan
but is dismissed by mainstream historians, that Armenian inscriptions
in churches on Azerbaijani territory were later additions to churches
built under Caucasian Albania, an ancient Christian kingdom that ruled
the territory that is today Azerbaijan.

The new statement reaffirmed that "a working group has been set up to
study this heritage" and that "[s]hould any falsifications be
identified, they will be documented with the participation of
international experts and presented to the international community."
But it did not mention removing any Armenian traces, as Karimov’s
earlier announcement did.

That news had attracted widespread criticism.

"We are deeply concerned by Azerbaijan's plans to remove Armenian
Apostolic inscriptions from churches. We urge the government to
preserve and protect places of worship and other religious and
cultural sites," the U.S. Commission on International Religious
Freedom tweeted, quoting its chair, Nadine Maenza.

TV Zvezda, a news outlet run by Russia’s Defense Ministry, published a
piece on February 8 in which it pointedly referred to the Dadivank
Monastery, in Azerbaijan’s Kelbajar region, as "one of the greatest
monasteries of medieval Armenia." A 2,000-strong Russian peacekeeping
contingent is currently stationed in Karabakh. In earlier comments,
Karimov had claimed that the monastery was Albanian.

After an initial period of conspicuous silence, Armenia’s Foreign
Ministry issued a statement on February 8 condemning Karimov’s
comments: "It once again demonstrates the fact that the cases of
vandalism and destruction of the Armenian historical, cultural and
religious heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh during the 44-day war and the
following period, are deliberate and pre-planned, and are part of the
policy of annihilating Nagorno-Karabakh’s indigenous Armenian

The announcement occasioned widespread public anger among Armenians.
“It's time to take the government of Azerbaijan at its word when it
says it intends to erase all traces of Armenians beginning with their
churches and ancient heritage sites,” wrote Elyse Semerdjian, a
professor of Middle Eastern history at Whitman College, on Twitter.

In Azerbaijan, meanwhile, there has been near silence around the news.
Pro-government media, which in comparable cases often actively
publicizes plans announced by the government, barely covered the
announcement or responses to criticism of it. Commentators and
activists, pro-government or otherwise, devoted little attention to

A rare exception was Javid Agha, a social media commentator who
researches Caucasian Albanian heritage in Azerbaijan, speculated that
the plan may have been motivated by corruption, which is endemic in

“There is no logic behind it. No tourist will come to see barren
churches, Azerbaijanis won’t care about it, nobody will applaud the
government for it from outside. Just another excuse to write some
checks,” Agha tweeted.