Categories: 2022

Georgia’s Belt And Road Initiative – Accelerating Trade Between Central Asia And Europe

Silk Road Briefing

Georgia’s Belt And Road Initiative – Accelerating Trade Between
Central Asia And Europe
Feb. 7, 2022

Azerbaijan and Georgia play key roles within the framework of China’s
Belt & Road Initiative, Soso Nibladze, the CEO of the Hualing Free
Industrial Zone (FIZ), has stated. The zone is based in Kutaisi and is
an important connecting hub between Tbilisi (the capital of Georgia)
and Georgia’s Black Sea Ports of Poti and Batumi.

Hualing FIZ was built by Hualing Group with Chinese investments and
began operating in 2015. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Hualing FIZ
was able to increase its investor client base in 2021 with 25 new
companies registered during the past year.

“One of the most important initiatives of 2021 was a project related
to wood processing and furniture production, developed together with
investors from Canada and China. This project provides for the
production at the FIZ and further export.” Niblaze stated.

Nibladze said the initial budget for this project was US$1.5 million,
and in general, it is planned to increase it to US$7 million.

Further investment into the zone is expected shortly, with a Chinese
company to start the production and export of ferroalloys and silicon
metal at the Hualing FIZ. The total volume of the investments amounted
to US$5 million, and it is also expected to increase this as the
business develops. Nibladze also pointed to a recycled plastic
project, launched at the FIZ in 2021. Investments in this project
amounted to about US$2 million.

He said Hualing FIZ conducts most of the negotiations with
manufacturers of the light industry sector. One of these is a German
investor, dealing with the production and export of textile products.
Nibladze said the negotiations on this project (signing the contract)
are at the final stage.

“About 2,000 people will be employed once the project is launched, and
the total investment in it is about €3 million”

Among the projects in the green energy field, Hualing FIZ has
attracted solar panel production – and the largest project in this
sector in the European-Caucasus region. The total investment for this
project has reached US$10 million, with the exports mainly for the
North American market.

According to Nibladze, the Hualing FIZ now has 90 resident companies,
of which 70% are in trading, 25% in manufacturing and 5% in the
services sector.  This success is expected to lead to an agreement
with the Georgian government to expand the zone’s territory to 58
hectares, up from the existing 36 hectares. There are additional
prospects to expand the FIZ to 200 hectares.

The main export destinations for goods manufactured or traded at
Hualing FIZ are the South Caucasus and Central Asia, the European
Union, North America, and Mexico. The FIZ closely cooperates with
investors from Azerbaijan, whose Baku Port to the east, on the Caspian
Sea connects with Central Asia, Iran and the INSTC route to India.

“Many Azerbaijani companies expressed their interest in cooperation
with Hualing FIZ, mainly companies involved in the pharmaceutical,
manufacturing, and construction sectors” Nibladze stated.

“There are bottleneck issues in global logistics that will continue to
be problematic, but at the same time, we expect that there will be a
great demand for exports to regional countries.” he said. There have
been problems with the Baku-Tblisi-Kars railway connection through to
Turkey and Europe with the proposed route and investment now looking
to be something of a White Elephant given the changes presented as a
result of the 2020 Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict and Georgian Government
policy. The BTK has yet to carry a single passenger; the start of
passenger services in 2020 was truncated by the Georgian government
banning foreign visitors (even if they didn’t get off the train).
Cargo services on the 800-odd kilometres from Kars to Baku via Georgia
take about three days, meaning its not the high-speed line it was
initially promoted as. Additional hold ups take place due to train
gauge changing as the BTK crosses into Georgia. The Georgian
Government are currently wondering why they donated so much territory
for the construction of the BTK through Georgia; with Covid meaning no
tourists, very little delivery of raw materials for their
manufacturing industries, and no substantial exports of Georgian goods
either to Central Asia or Turkey on the train, although this may be
alleviated when the pandemic has calmed down.

The Caspian-European BTK transit issues aside, the development of
Chinse and locally invested Free Trade and Industrial zones along the
Belt and Road Initiative is a primary example of the BRI moving from
being an infrastructure investment play to being a cashflow generator
based on that initial investment. This means that while critics may
point to a slow-down of overall Chinese investment in overseas
financing, investors along the BRI – such as the Hualing FIZ – can now
generate profits and help their own invested clients manufacture and
trade. BRI infrastructure investment is now showing up with the end
result being increased trade turnover and exports, with the ultimate
success measurement of BRI infrastructure investments to be measured
in this increased capability rather than the project financing.


Eduard Nalbandian: