Kalkan: Turkey, PDK target leaders of Kurdish people

Hawar News Agency

Feb. 8, 2022

[A member of the Executive Committee of the Kurdistan Workers' Party
(PKK), Duran Kalkan, confirmed that Turkey, in cooperation with the
Kurdistan Democratic Party, targets the leaders of the Kurdish people,
with the aim of intimidating them, so the leaders should organize the
struggle more deeply.]

A member of the Executive Committee of the Kurdistan Workers Party
(PKK), Duran Kalkan, indicated that whoever stands in the face of the
terrorist organization  ISIS must stand in the face of the fascist
coalition of the Justice and Development Party and the National
Movement (AKP-MHP), which is the other side of the terrorist
organization in terms of their mentality, their approach, and their

 Participating in the special program on Haber TV, a member of the
Executive Committee of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), Duran
Kalkan, spoke about the legendary struggle by the leader Abdullah
Ocalan in the conditions of absolute isolation imposed on him in his
prison in Imrali.

 Duran Kalkan said: "The regime of severe isolation continues against
the leader Abdullah Ocalan, and many institutions have put this issue
on their agenda on the basis of bringing about some change, but
nothing has changed. Everyone ignores this violation of international
laws and rights. The dominant regimes are satisfied with this, and the
isolation imposed in Imrali is evidence of the international
conspiracy, against the leader Ocalan. this is evidence of the
repressive and fascist regime directed against the Kurdish people.

 They think they will force leader Ocalan to say things against his will

He continued: "They have closed the doors of Imrali so that the leader
does not communicate. Turkey speaks on his behalf, opponents and heads
of parties.  In its struggle for the freedom of the leader Ocalan,
this is impossible. Our people have shown a position about it, it
should be further strengthened until the leader is liberated.

 Also, this position shows that the system in Imrali is a political
detention system, they resort to such a system because they are unable
to force the leader Ocalan to say what they want, and this is the best
evidence that the Turkish state does not enjoy rights and laws and all
its laws are false, and it has  political goals, and it also has a
political detention system."

 They confronted the policy of denial, execution and extermination

 During his speech, Duran Kalkan reminded that they are on the 23rd
anniversary of the international conspiracy on February 15, and said:
"We struggle against it. Our people called this day the 'Black Day'.
As for the leader Ocalan, he called it the day of the 'Kurd
Extermination'."  I salute the continuous historical resistance that
the leader Ocalan has been waging for 23 years against the regime of
isolation, and I also remember our heroic martyrs who turned into a
ring of fire under the slogan "You will not be able to block our sun",
with all respect and gratitude.

 It is not possible to define the February 15 plot without addressing
the October 9 plot, as this plot was launched with the aim of
eliminating Leader Ocalan through the conspiracy, and because they
were unable to achieve it, they resorted to the February 15 plot by
the fascist Turkish state;  Our people and our leader have been waging
a legendary struggle against this regime of isolation and torture for
23 years, and this means that the policy of extermination and denial
has been confronted, and this is what constituted the third
resurrection of the leader, and made the whole world recognize his
truth, and turned him into the leader of all the oppressed. This fact
is gradually expanding and It will be the biggest event of the
twenty-first century."

 Those who struggle against ISIS should also fight against its supporters

 A member of the Executive Committee of the Kurdistan Workers' Party,
Duran Kalkan, also evaluated the struggle against ISIS, saying: "I
salute the heroic struggle that our people have been waging against
ISIS for 8 years, and I remember the martyrs of this struggle with all
respect and appreciation in Al-Hasakah, they represent the hope of
humanity, the will and the future of humanity.

 There are some forces that must do something concrete about ISIS.
The United States, for example, says that Abdullah Qardash was killed
after killing Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, meaning that the two leaders of
the terrorist organization ISIS were eliminated, so where did ISIS
come from?  This should be well defined.  They support each other.
Where were Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Abdullah Qardash hit?  In an area
under the control of the Turkish state, and on its borders;  Well, is
it not the responsibility of the Turkish state and the alliance of the
Justice and Development Party and the National Movement?  Why don't
they say anything, just say they are doing us harm in our struggle
against ISIS, this is not acceptable.

 The attacks that were launched in al-Hasakah did not target the
prison, which contained ISIS terrorists, but rather were attacks to
eliminate the Autonomous Administration and occupy the entire area.
These attacks were not carried out with force and normal preparations,
but behind them was a large force that prepared itself greatly.
Abdullah Qardash death was a response to these attacks in general.

 Those who support these attacks are the alliance of the Justice and
Development Party, the National Movement and the Turkish State.
Everyone must realize this fact, and those who claim to be struggling
against ISIS must struggle against those who support and finance ISIS
and follow its ideology, which is the alliance of the Justice and
Development Party, the National Movement and the Turkish State, and so
on.  Goes in the wind and meaningless.

 They launch attacks in response to the defeat of the terrorist
organization ISIS

 The terrorist organization ISIS attacked the city of Al-Hasakah on
January 20, but was defeated.  Complicated with the victory of the
Justice and Development Party, the nationalist movement, and the
defeat of the terrorist ISIS means their defeat, as the attack
targeted the three areas in which ISIS was defeated in 2014, and this
is the reason for its revenge.  Kurdish genocide.

 They use the KDP as a tool to achieve their ends

 Turkey uses the KDP as a tool in its hand. Did Nechirvan Barzani
understand something of Kurdishism?  Does he not know that the people
will hold him accountable?  Do you think the Turkish state is that
strong?  Are the Kurds worthless to this extent?  Who accepts this?
This is clear and I will not talk about this subject much.

 They raise discussions about civilians and they themselves bomb them

 Another thing I'd like to point out is: Those who stand up the
attacks, they discuss the attack on civilians, of course civilians
shouldn't be hit, well is it legitimate to attack non-civilians?  What
is this logic?  What is their right?  And what is the right of the
Turkish army to attack the protection forces in northern and eastern
Syria, the Makhmour Protection Forces, and the Shingal Protection
Forces?  It must be properly discussed, they are supposed to resist
the attacks but they resist them in this way, and this resistance is
an obsolete position, they also say that it is not civilian but
military, attacks are launched on soldiers in civilian clothes, so
this approach should be criticized and closely condemned,  All the
attacks carried out are fascist genocide attacks, most of the attacks
on organized forces, resistance and freedom are brutal attacks, these
forces are the most valuable values, they must be solidarity and

 We must strengthen our organization and step up our struggle

 The Kurdish people everywhere showed a strong reaction, and it must
be continued, as the Turkish occupation, through these attacks and
intelligence operations carried out by the Kurdistan Democratic Party,
wants to identify the targeted places and people, and strike them
through modern military techniques to eliminate them and intimidate
the people. This matter has become clear,  Then the leaders must be
careful and defend themselves better, and the people should also
benefit from this and beware of it, and the ranks of the organization
and the resistance must be developed in creative ways.

 Makhmour people will not allow such violations. Such attacks have
been carried out dozens of times against this people, but they do not
realize who this people is. It is the people of Botan. The people of
Şengal and Rojava have lived and recognized the will of freedom. The
Turkish occupation with its attacks cannot break the will of this
resistant people.