Categories: 2022

Opposition fails to abolish demerit point system as bill gets turned down



 10:37, 9 February, 2022

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 9, ARMENPRESS. The opposition’s bill seeking to abolish the demerit point system failed to pass parliament.

The bill authored by the Hayastan faction received only 42 votes in favor, while 46 voted against.

The opposition is citing the Constitution’s ban on double jeopardy, or Non bis in idem, arguing that when motorists commit traffic violations they still have to pay the penalty and simultaneously get a point reduction under the demerit point system – which in their words constitutes "double-responsiblity".

The constitution guarantees that no legal action can be instituted twice for the same cause of action.

However, the pro-government lawmakers opposed the opposition's stance, claiming that the point reduction is not a legal action or accountability and that motorists are not being deprived of their driver’s license simultaneously with being fined. If all 9 points of a motorist are exhausted, the person loses their license for 6 months, but doesn’t have to pay a penalty for the last violation. The point reduction is an additional measure together with the penalty, the lawmakers argued.

Ani Kharatian: