Categories: 2022

Oppositionist: You have to be Civil Contract member to see positive signals from Turkey

Armenia – Feb 10 2022

MP Hayk Mamijanyan, who represents the opposition With Honor faction, on Thursday deplored the Armenian authorities’ statements that there are positive signals from Turkey regarding the Armenia-Turkey normalization process.

"The Turkish president has repeatedly stated that all preconditions put forward by the Turkish side remain in force, while the "corridor logic" issue has also been added to them,” the MP told a briefing.

Earlier in December, the Turkish vice-president spoke about the active involvement of the Turkish special forces in the 44-day war in Artsakh. Afterwards, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Turkey had consulted with and received the approval of Azerbaijan for the launch of Yerevan-Istanbul flights, Mamijanian recalled.

The MP stressed that he did not notice any positive signals, adding in all cases when they were seen by Nikol Pashinyan and the ruling Civil Contract party members, Armenia had “territorial losses and casualties”.

"You have to be from Civil Contract to see positive signals. I am afraid to imagine what could happen this time," the deputy said.

Sonya Jalatian: